Castle Stalker

Castle Stalker - in the Gaelic it's Stalcaire meaning hunter or Falconer - is an historic and picturesque castle set on a tidal islet on Loch Laich, an inlet off Loch Linnhe. The original castle was a small fort built around 1320 by Clan MacDougall, who were then Lords of Lorn. In 1388 the Stewarts took over the Lordship of Lorn, and it is believed that they built the castle in its present form around the 1440s. The castle was purchased in 1965 by family of the current owners, who spent the next ten years rebuilding and restoring it as it is today. It is now fully habitable, with most of the restoration having been done by family and many friends who were willing to spend holidays and long weekends helping with the task. The castle has featured in many film productions including Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Highlander; Endgame, Sense8 and most recently in Black Mirror.

The castle is privately owned but there are a limited number of guided tours available each year.